Key Strategies and Policies

Local Maternity and Neonatal Systems (LMNS) have been set up nationally in response to NHS England’s ‘Better Births’ report which sets out a vision for safer, more personalised maternity care that reflects women’s choices and offers continuing joined-up care. LMNSs are regional partnerships of NHS organisations, Healthwatch, local councils, service users and other partners who work together to deliver improvements and transformation in Maternity and Neonatal services at a local level. 

As the Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin (STW) LMNS, we work together to provide the highest quality and equitable care in Maternity and Neonatal services within our region and deliver on the aims and aspirations of the Maternity Transformation Programme, the NHS Long Term Plan (2019), the Maternity and Neonatal Three Year Single Delivery Plan, Five year Equity and Equality Action plan as well as the Ockenden reports from December 2020 and March 2022.

Key Strategies

LMNS Transformation plan (in development)

Equity and Equality Action plan 2022-2027

Key Policies

Support during and after your pregnancy

It’s important you feel comfortable and you have all the right information you need for a healthy pregnancy, safe labour and support afterwards.

Who we are

Your Local Maternity & Neonatal System (LMNS) team ensures everyone is working in collaboration to improve Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin’s Maternity Services and support people who are on or beginning their pregnancy and newborn journey.

Are you pregnant?

Whether planned or unplanned, pregnancy can bring on a range of emotions for you, your partner and your family.